Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How to Write Contents

OneClickSEO - How to Write Contents

Search engines constantly improve their services and will only continue to do so. The rules for writing better content that is recognized by them will get even tighter with time. It used to be enough to place an exclamation point as the first character in the title tag of your webpage in order to come up to the top. Today, knowledge of more complex rules is required to get ahead of your competition. This page is designed to explain these important details.

1. Prepare a List of Popular Sites in your Niche.

Don’t avoid this step.  I strongly recommend doing this. You will learn a lot. Follow the steps below.
1. List at least 30 top sites in your niche.
2. How many Readers for each Site?
3. What is the average Post length?
4. How many comments each blog post receives in average?
5. What are their Alexa Ranks?
6. How they divided categories in their sites?
Once you prepared the above six key elements, sit relax and analyze list thoroughly.
The average post length will show you how much you have to write in each post to satisfy your niche readers. Set monthly target to beat their number of readers, average comments/post and Alexa ranks. Don’t set the target more than 6 months. The 6 months target is good enough regardless how much high the numbers your competitors have.

Have a close look on each sites’s categories. It will give you a clear idea of what are the important contents you have to focus on.
 Once you find those ideas, you can tell through comments on this post.

2. Derive Niche Attraction Formula (NAF)

Please pay attention closely in this second step. Because this point makes any webmaster from normal to pro.
This involves two steps:
1. Find the Niche Attraction Elements (NAE)
2. Create Formula (NAF) using Niche attraction Elements (NAE)

1. Find the Niche Attraction Elements (NAE)
You should make a step-by-step plan about how to seduce your niche. I call each of these steps as “Niche Attraction Elements”. Once you find these elements, you can easily make the formula.
For example, if your Niche is “Microsoft Excel Tutorials”, then your elements can go like this.
  • Creating Excel Basics Tutorials with Videos.
  • Preparing a free Excel PDF guide (Basics Tutorials).
  • Creating Excel Advanced Tutorials with Videos.
  • Preparing a free Excel PDF guide (Advanced Tutorials).
  • Writing Tutorial Posts about Best alternative for Excel. For example about openoffice.org.
  • Writing Tutorial Posts about Related useful things to excel. For example about Google docs.
  • Writing the Detailed posts about using Excel in different areas. For example, downloading Gmail contacts in excel sheet and uploading in another Gmail.
  • Creating a paid e-Book or membership site which includes all your contents with some updates and exclusive member’s only information.
If your niche is narrow, then you can find 5 to 10 elements. If your niche is wide, then you should find 10 to 20 elements.
2. Create Formula (NAF) using Niche attraction Elements (NAE)
In this step, you have to decide the number of posts and number of days for each element.  The required number of posts and days for each element depends upon your niche attraction element. But the total amount of time should not exceed more than six months. Yes. You have to adjust your time period for each element as per total time period of six months.
Note: The reason I used NAF & NAE terms here is that I may use these terms easily in coming posts.

3.  Check Available Resources or Interested Contents for every Element (NAE)

If your niche is tutorial based (if you are teaching something to your readers), then check the available tutorial resources. Use Google search & Youtube to find how many relevant useful resources available. If your niche is based on general matters, entertainment, news, sports etc, then check the available interested contents. Use Google search & Youtube to find how many relevant & interested contents available.
For example, search for “how to search good videos” or “how to search youtube efficiently”, and when you haven’t seen relevant answer about your search quary, write about that.
When you check those things, check the available content formats like images, videos, comics, maps etc. If you see less number of video format contents, then promise yourself that you will deliver your contents in video formats regardless of how hard it is to do.

Then try to write immediately the less-resource-available contents. When you write the less-resource-available contents, you will soon come in first page of Google.

OneClickSEO - How to Write Contents

4. Don’t look for perfection.

No series posts required at initial time.
Write the contents in NAE order. But when you write contents inside NAE, don’t look for series order. Search engines will give you initial traffic. As you are new, no one will follow you step by step. Once you reached good number of readers, then you can arrange your contents in order and deliver it as e-book. So now just start writing what ever you know.

Don’t spend much time on proofreading your posts.
Just read and correct errors yourself once you finished writing the post. If you really offer good content, your readers will forgive you for spell or grammar mistakes. One of my friends always has email signature like this “Worry doesn’t help tomorrow’s troubles, but it does ruin today’s happiness”.
Don’t wait to much for Best Design:
Don’t expect your blog look best on your first reader eyes. Choose any free and clean theme to start. Once you started to earn, then you can put that money on your design expectations. Until then, use free, clean and beautiful theme.

5. Prepare at least 5 Posts before Start Publishing.

  • This will avoid you from dropping attempt at initial level.
  • You can concentrate on driving initial traffic on your first week.

6. Add images and videos.

Keep this point as your regular habit. Start this from your first post onwards. Readers love to watch videos. Always use at least one image in a post. Use Flickr to get quality images.
Try to make your own videos. What ever your niche, it may be tutorials or entertainment, but try to create videos. Include your site logo and show your blog link in videos. You will get more traffic to your site. If you do videos for your site, then you will know the power of videos on driving traffic.
If you still don’t want to do videos, then just search for videos relevant to your content and embed those videos in your posts.  You will see great reader engagement, when you embed videos in posts.
If you avoid following any of the steps mentioned above, then you are losing readers and vision. Work hard. Nothing pays more than hard work.

Final Thoughts:

1. Have a close look on your niche websites. Set monthly targets to beat the numbers they have.
2. Have a clear plan about how to attract your niche readers. If your niche is narrow, then you can do this plan bit easy. If your niche is wide, then you have to think more time to derive some interesting idea.
3. Find less-resource or interested-available content and start writing about that.
4. Don’t look for perfection.
5. Prepare at least 5 posts before publishing content.
6. Add more value to your text contents by images and videos.
take action immediately, once you choose a niche. Detailed reports about effective content writing like how to write list posts, how to write top posts etc and delivering methods (including videos in posts) will be published once we finish the experiments.

OneClickSEO - How to Write Contents

Knowing the exact purpose of what we are doing allows us not to get disappointed when we lose track of what we are doing. It allows us to understand when we have reached our goals, instead of trying to chase an invisible reward (like Google AdSense revenue). Note, however, this is not to say that generating passive income using affiliate programs isn't possible. But it's best to keep our goals realistic and keep on doing more of the thing that we know will produce results.

SEO Content

OneClickSEO - How to Write Contents

Writing is an extremely creative art, but the fact is that, there are different types of writing. Actually, it can vary a lot, and it also depends on the medium where it is being published. For example, prose is of course different than poetry, though both of these are writing. Again, writing a screenplay is not the same as writing a report for the evening news, or a book for the kids. On the Internet, writing the sales copy for a website is hugely different than writing an article that is to be submitted to the article directory.

Writing for the Web
There are two basic purposes of writing for the web. You write, either to bring in traffic by making the copy search engine optimized, or you write to convert that traffic into sales or leads. Writing for traffic is referred to as SEO content writing. This can be both pre-sales (writing articles and press releases that are submitted to directories), or point-of-sale (copy in the website). Of course, it is really very difficult to make the copy SEO friendly, and yet, making it appealing enough to enhance the conversions.

What Exactly Is SEO Content Writing?
What is SEO content writing, and how is it different than other forms of web writing? The main point of difference here is in the inclusion of keywords. The writer will have a set of keywords to work with, and his or her job will be to include these keywords several times in the copy. It is essential to maintain a certain keyword density. For example, if the content is 500 words, and if the keyword is included 5 times in the copy, then the keyword density is 1%. The writer may have to include 2 to 3 keywords and might have to maintain the density of 1% without compromising the quality of the text. So, you see, the job is not easy.
The inclusion has to be done naturally, because forceful inclusion will of course bring down to the quality of the content. The keywords must also be spread out evenly on the page. Some people insist that the keyword should be there in the first sentence of the first Para and the last sentence of the last paragraph – but this is not really necessary. Of course, this will make SEO content writing more difficult, because the writer’s creativity is then severely limited.

Why Is SEO Copy So Important?
A search engine robot or spider crawls a web site looking for keywords. It is necessary that a keyword or a set of keywords is repeated for a descent number of time to enable the spider understand the theme of the website and thereby index the website. If all other factors are working for the website, such as its linking, coding and more, then the website can achieve good ranks for these keywords. This is why the SEO writer must include the keywords in the copy.
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