What is Alexa?
Alexa.com is a service that will measure which ranges from Web sites, called Alexa traffic ranking. The figure conveys a positioning. The lower the better.
Alexa is a subsidiary of Amazon, and offers a search engine and Web directory just the Alexa traffic rankings worldwide as a list of all websites (but also divided by country), ordered by Alexa Traffic calculated. The traffic rank is based on data from all users of the Alexa toolbar (more on that later) which can be accumulated over 3 months and evaluated.
In addition to the Google PageRank , there is another meaningful indicator of the success of a web page, the Alexa Rank , which is playing in terms of advertising effectiveness one side a large role. Whether one puts even great importance to a high ranking or not, was once an open question, however, look more and more webmasters, SEOs and affiliation operators and brokers on the Alexa Rank, in order to advance a rough idea about the traffic a site to . make
How important is the Alexa Rank for a website
now is well known that pay more and more advertising broker the Alexa Rank particular attention and established the commission to publishers often at a high Alexa rank is, which alone is why even an optimization of the Alexa Rank attention special should be paid. Thus, then, just for advertising your website in terms of placements, a high Alexa rank better basis for negotiation.
Who turns on its own website any advertising, but should be at least aware of the importance of the Alexa Rank in the evaluation of a web page. Meanwhile, every operator of a website will probably use one or the other on-line service to rank web pages in order to measure the distribution, optimization, and of course the traffic of a web page in real terms. The variety of these assessment services has become extremely high and it will be of simple overviews to full analysis of a web page, all possible variants offered.
The Alexa toolbar
Alexa traffic rankings in the attacks on the data of all users of the Alexa toolbar back and evaluates them. for the Alexa search engine, detailed page information including the Alexa Rank for the currently open Web page. Here, the observed number of visitors and evaluated in this way, the most visited domains identified and listed.
How to increase the audience should now be targeted and successfully?
The following steps can explain how every webmaster with simple means to increase long-term vision and bring his ranking on Alexa below the 100,000 limit.
The first important step is obviously to install the toolbar for IE or just the Search Status plugin for Firefox. The mere fact that we ourselves have a Alexataugliches tool can, over a period of 6-8 weeks in the audience should place at about 150,000 or higher increase (for multiple daily visits from your page or their own blogs). In addition, recommended to, with both browsers (IE and Firefox) and add-ons every day to call your own page.
The next step is to get as many visitors with an installed FF toolbar or plugin to get on the site and attracting customers to install the toolbar or the plugin . Now, however, be practical in the course of only a few visitors have to move to this step, there is a possibility with the help of Alexa Site Widgets , to win the odd-click counted.
The Alexa site widget is nothing more than a dynamic display of the current AlexaRanks for your own website, which is ever at will in different versions. For my side, I've decided to only a small widget with the current Alexa Rank and installed this about 4 weeks in my sidebar. The whole looks like this:
By clicking on this widget you will now be redirected to my current Alexa Traffic Ranking Overview of course be provided for new visitors to Alexa data, even without the toolbar or the plugin is installed with the person. to integrate the Alexa site widget click here .
Who has the ability to use the Toolbar or the FF plugin on several computers to install, which should include this, if allowed or permitted (eg at work) do well to persuade friends, acquaintances and relatives to install it and use it before they visit your page.
Not just for a good ranking in search engines for specific keywords and good, but have also installed more crucial for the visitors may already be the toolbar or plugin that is natural and perhaps even mainly good and informative content. Provides for regular contributions to your forums, blogs or websites, for the better and larger the information content of a site the more visitors it can inspire and perhaps even move to install the toolbar.