Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Blog Creation and Blog Promotion

blog directories

Creating a blog is now very simple. Because of the many free services to create a blog is not even necessary to have knowledge about building and managing a website. This creates a wide range of blogs on different topics. It is therefore important to properly promote your blog. Otherwise you're plunged into the crowd. Below are a few aspects of a good promotion of your blog put together a list.

Best Free Blogging Platform

Blogger is a free online software platform that facilitates publishing a blog . It is a service that offers a multitude of tools allowing people to publish content on the web. this is one of the few blog services free without advertising. Since 2003, Blogger is owned by Google .
Blogger allows blog hosting on its site Blogspot

blogger logo
How To Create A Blog

If you have an online jewelry business, jewelry design, to love or to show some of your jewelry, handmade jewelry blog writing a great place to start. It helps clients build if you plan on selling to promote your writing, or it can be done just for fun. How jewelry articles, fun places to shop for beads and supplies, and also include cleaning projects. Your creativity and imagination can help you write anything! this is what you need: free blog account some jewelery articles, some of it more "attractive" images to
1. As a free blog hosting site is a free blog account.

2. Follow the online screen instructions to open your account and about yourself if you want to create a mini profile.

3. Start by posting a blog post. What's great about it can be anything you want, you can blog it.

4. Your blog daily, every other day, or maybe add the weekly post. It is updated frequently will keep your readers coming back for more.

5. Link your blog to your friends, family, or send existing customers already. Remember the blog roll on the fun and good writing.

The content is obviously the most important long term: if the subject of your blog, not many people like, or there are few new posts, the visitors will stay away.

Another important aspect of the content of your blog posts and articles that have been optimized for search engines. This mainly means that you must ensure that the words that you think people who might be interested in your blog often appear in articles and titles. It is impossible to explain all the details here, but look a look at "SEO". Enough information available on the Internet.


You do not want the extra effort to completely own a website for your blog services (which ultimately provides the most flexibility) is, a service like (Google) a nice interim solution . Within Blogger, you can also free up a blog based on standard templates. But it is also possible to make this layout to adapt and expand. Because this is such a popular service, there are many examples and templates on the internet. So with a little cutting and pasting, you can do without very deep knowledge of HTML already build a blog that stands out from other blogs.

Blog promotion

blog creation
Blog directories

Blog directories are a kind of survey sites Blogs. Some are simply lists of blogs, but others you can find a whole community behind. These communities are often so large that people directly to draw near to seek a blog about a particular topic. It can lead to so much to promote your blog through this kind of websites.

Some examples are:

1. AddUrlBlog
 2. BlogTopsList
 3. BlogExplosion
 4. Bloggernity
 5. BloggerNow
 6. BlogPoint
 7. BlogDigger
 8. Blogarama
 9. Bloggeries
10. Blog-Collector
11. Blogs-Collection
12. BlogPulse
13. Blogged
14. Blogs
15. Bloggapedia
16. Blogflux
17. BlogRateDirectory
18. BlogTopSites
19. BlogCatalog
20. BlogRankings
21. Blog-Search
22. Dmegs
23. FuelMyBlog
24. GetBlogs
25. GlobeOfBlogs
26. MyBloglog
27. BlogDirectory
28. MyBlog2u
29. LSblogs
30. TopBlogging
31. TopBlogArea
32. TopBlogList
33. Search4Blogs
34. SubmitBlogNow

Links to other websites

In addition to the blog directories is also good to have more links to your blog from other websites, and to self-link to other relevant websites. Obviously this is useful for the additional traffic that links directly to your website, but maybe even more importantly, that this is also an important criterion for the ranking of your blog in search engines. This quickly produces good results. Make sure you have your blog promotes only in places where that is appropriate: on websites that also address a topic related to your blog. Otherwise it will look like spam.


If you really want to attract more visitors may also be an option to place ads for your blog. This can be through various advertising programs that Google Adwords is probably the best known.

It is advisable to do this only if your blog has proven to also be able to make money through ad revenue.

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